Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hot Topic

What the Bible says about
three of the hottest topics
of our day -
Money, Sex and Power


Vicki Baker said...

Pastor your message was right on target Saturday evening. Honoring Gods boundaries is Key to staying in His will. I wish I had only done this so many years ago. I knew it but, gave in to sin. God is faithful and He and I are in love again and my life will never be the same. I am thankful for His love and your ministry. God Bless you real good.....Vicki Baker

Vicki Baker said...

Pastor your message was right on target Saturday evening. Honoring Gods boundaries is Key to staying in His will. I wish I had only done this so many years ago. I knew it but, gave in to sin. God is faithful and He and I are in love again and my life will never be the same. I am thankful for His love and your ministry. God Bless you real good.....Vicki Baker

Anonymous said...

Pastor Ken. I normally come with my kids to the 10 am service. This past Sunday 16th I came by myself. It was meant for me to be at the service by myself. The message totally was for me. I am currently riding through a storm in my marriage right now. The situation reactivated back into our marriage Jan 2009. My husband has a very bad addiction which has taken him away from our home and family. As a wife I feel lonely when he's not there and I feel I want to go out and fill the emptiness. But Glory to God for his wonder message on Sunday. Before I came to service I had not worn my wedding ring for months becasue I was so angry with my husband on not ful-filling his part as a husband and father, but something told me that Sunday morning to put on your wedding ring before you go to church. And when I heard the message on Sunday is so applied to what I'm going through. I will never be lonely again because I know I can fill the emptiness and loneliness with LOVE from and in our God. Praise him!! Thank you for being my pastor. May the good LORD continue to Bless you always.